Submission of presentations

8th Italian Workshop on Embedded Systems
(IWES 2023)

The 8th Italian Workshop on Embedded Systems welcomes authors from academia and industry to submit proposals for presentations.

Different types of presentations are solicited:

  1. Introduction of groups from scientific institutions active in research on Embedded Systems, presenting their research lines to the audience. Groups that never presented at previous IWES editions will have the possibility to introduce themselves during the plenary session. Groups that already presented at previous IWES editions will have their presentation displayed in a slideshow at the meeting venue but not presented during the plenary session.

  2. Introduction of companies involved in the Embedded Systems business, presenting their strategic interests, research lines and business challenges to the audience.

  3. Technical presentations on all aspects of design, implementation and analysis of Embedded Systems.

Instructions for submission of presentations

Prospective attendees interested in giving a talk are invited to submit a title and a short abstract (as plain text) of their presentation by using the

conference submission site
(submissions are now/still closed)

by May 25, 2023 (standard abstract submissions). We also accept late abstract submissions until July 16, 2023. See the important dates for details.

The Organising Committee will select contributions to be presented on the basis of appropriateness to the conference themes, speaker plurality, and time constraints. Authors of all submissions will be notified by June 10, 2023 (standard submissions), and 3 days from submission (late submissions). See important dates for details.

Authors of accepted standard submissions are kindly requested to register by June 30, 2023 (early registration deadline) to benefit of the lowest fees and to ease the organisation task. See important dates for details.


After the conference, authors of the accepted presentations who orally presented their work will be invited to send, for publication on the workshop website, the slides of their presentation as well as an optional URL where additional in-depth material can be found.