
Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Forensics
The conference was held on January 28, 2022 [Photo]. Thank you for having attended!

The conference programme is as follows.

09:30 Participants' check-in

Speakers and registered attendees check in at the registration desk and receive their welcome kit

10:00 Welcome by the conference chair

Giovanna Parmigiani
Research fellow in Forensic Psychiatry
Department of Human Neuroscience
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Artificial Intelligence and the legal system


Stefano Ferracuti
Professor in Forensic Psychopatology
Department of Human Neuroscience
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

10:10 Risk-based approach: a comparative perspective between GDPR and the EU proposal for a regulation on Artificial Intelligence

Alessandro Del Ninno
Professor in Information Technology Law and Teleworking Law
Department of Law
LUISS University "Guido Carli", Rome, Italy

10:30 Guilt, punishment, dangerousness: the criminal law tested by artificial intelligence

Fabio Basile
Professor in Criminal Law
Law Department "C. Beccaria"
University of Milan, Italy

10:50 Free conviction of the judge vs algorithm determinism. The judicial dilemma of contemporaneity

Luca D'Auria
Professor in Law
San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy

11:10 Perspectives and misunderstandings in quantitative legal prediction

Amedeo Santosuosso
Professor in Law, Science and New Technologies
Deparment of Law
University of Pavia, Italy

11:30 Discussion

11:40 Coffee break

Served in the hall foyer

Predictive justice


Alessandro Del Ninno
Professor in Information Technology Law and Teleworking Law
Department of Law
LUISS University "Guido Carli", Rome, Italy

12:10 Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience in algorithmic forensic risk assessment: possibilities and challenges

Leda Tortora
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

12:30 Coherencies, incoherencies and risks in the proposed AI Act

Giovanni Comandé
Professor in Private Comparative Law
Institute of Law, Politics and Development
Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Pisa, Italy

12:50 Legal profession and Artificial Intelligence: opportunities and challenges

Riccardo Borsari
Professor in Criminal Law
Department of Public, International and Community Law
University of Padua, Italy

13:10 Artificial Intelligence to support non-pecuniary losses compensation

Denise Amram
Assistant Professor in Law
Institute of Law, Politics and Development
Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Pisa, Italy

13:30 Discussion

13:40 Lunch

Served in the hall foyer

Future trends


Paolo Roma
Professor in Clinical Psychology
Department of Human Neuroscience
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

14:40 Machine learning and neuroimaging data: potential translational application to the forensic setting

Cristina Scarpazza
Assistant Professor in Neuroscience
Department of General Psychology
University of Padua, Italy

15:00 Responsible use of neurotechnology in criminal justice

Gerben Meynen
Professor in Forensic Psychiatry
Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Professor in Ethics
Faculty of Humanities, Moral and Political Philosophy, Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

15:20 Side and Covert Channels: the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Modern Technologies

Mauro Conti
Professor in Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
University of Padua, Italy

15:40 Forensic psychiatrists’ decision making in assessing social dangerousness. A machine learning approach

Giovanna Parmigiani
Research fellow in Forensic Psychiatry
Department of Human Neuroscience
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

16:00 The Malicious use of Artificial Intelligence (MUAI) and radicalisation in the cyber-social ecosystem

Arije Antinori
Professor in Criminology and Sociology of Deviance
Department of Communication and Social Research
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

16:20 Discussion

16:30 Coffee break

Served in the hall foyer

Malingering and manipulation in forensics


Gabriele Mandarelli
Assistant professor in Forensic Medicine
Interdisciplinary Department of Medicine
Section of Criminology and Forensic Psychiatry
University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy

17:00 Bayesian Belief Networks and reasoning in forensic science

Giuseppe Sartori
Professor in Neuropsychology, Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience
Department of General Psychology
University of Padua, Italy

17:20 Detecting feigned depression in response patterns on the BDI-II and SIMS affective disorders scale

Paolo Roma
Professor in Clinical Psychology
Department of Human Neuroscience
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

17:40 Detecting socially desirable responses in personality assessment

Cristina Mazza
Ph.D. Student
Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences
University "G. D'Annunzio", Chieti-Pescara, Italy

18:00 Detecting deception through facial expressions. A comparison between human judges and machine learning models

Merylin Monaro
Research fellow in Social Psychology and Artificial Intelligence applied to Psychology
Department of General Psychology
University of Padua, Italy

18:20 Discussion

Panel session


Giovanna Parmigiani
Research fellow in Forensic Psychiatry
Department of Human Neuroscience
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

18:30 Current limitations and next challenges in the application of AI to forensics

Arije Antinori
Professor in Criminology and Sociology of Deviance
Department of Communication and Social Research
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Alessandro Del Ninno
Professor in Information Technology Law and Teleworking Law
Department of Law
LUISS University "Guido Carli", Rome, Italy
Stefano Ferracuti
Professor in Forensic Psychopatology
Department of Human Neuroscience
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Gabriele Mandarelli
Assistant professor in Forensic Medicine
Interdisciplinary Department of Medicine
Section of Criminology and Forensic Psychiatry
University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy
Paolo Roma
Professor in Clinical Psychology
Department of Human Neuroscience
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

19:15 Conclusions

Giovanna Parmigiani
Research fellow in Forensic Psychiatry
Department of Human Neuroscience
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

19:25 End of conference