Call for presentations and submissions

IWES 2021

IWES 2021 welcomes authors from academia and industry to submit proposals for presentations.

Different types of presentations are solicited:

  1. Introduction of groups from scientific institutions active in research on Embedded Systems, presenting their research lines to the audience.
  2. Introduction of companies involved in the Embedded Systems business, presenting their strategic interests, research lines and business challenges to the audience.
  3. Technical presentations on all aspects of design, implementation and analysis of Embedded Systems.

As for types 1 and 2 above, we will especially welcome contributions suitable for our envisioned special session on Research and technologies for embedded systems in the digital transition.

In particular, we encourage contributions focussing on challenges and possible actions to be taken within the Italian Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR, part of the Next Generation EU programme) in the area of computing systems for industry, environment, society and for infrastructure management.

Instructions for submission of presentations

Prospective attendees interested in giving a talk are invited to submit a title and a short abstract (as plain text) of their presentation by using the

IWES 2021 submission site on EasyChair
(submissions are now closed)

by October 31, 2021 (see important dates).

The Workshop Chairs will select contributions to be presented on the basis of appropriateness to the workshop themes, speaker plurality, and time constraints. Authors of all submissions will be notified by November 5, 2021 (see important dates).

Authors of accepted submissions are kindly requested to register to the workshop by November 15, 2021 (Early registration deadline, see important dates).

Late submissions

Although we encourage prospective speakers to submit by the deadline above, late submissions are also allowed, and will be handled on a continuous basis until November 20, 2021 (see important dates). Late submissions will be evaluated for admission within 5 days.


After the workshop, authors of the accepted presentations who orally presented their work at the workshop will be invited to send, for publication on the workshop website and circulation among attendees, the slides of their presentation as well as an optional URL where additional in-depth material can be found.