Presentation title
A methodology for increasing the efficiency and coverage of model checking and its application to Aerospace SystemsAuthors
Orlando Ferrante and Alberto FerrariInstitution(s)
ALES - UTRCPresentation type
Technical presentationAbstract
Formal Methods, and in particular Model Checking, are seeing an increasing use in the Aerospace domain. In recent years, Formal Methods have been commonly used to verify systems and software and its correctness as a way to augment traditional methods relying on simulation and testing. Recent updates to the relevant Aerospace regulations (e.g. DO178C, DO331 and DO333) now have explicit provisions for utilization of models and formal methods. At the system level, Model Checking has seen more limited uses due to the complexity and abstractions needed. In this paper we propose several methods to increase the capability of applying Model Checking to complex Aerospace Systems. An aircraft electrical power system is used to highlight the methodology. Automated model-based methods such as Cone of Influence and Timer Abstractions are described. Results of those simplifications, in combination with traditional Assume-Guarantee approaches will be shown for the Electric Power System application
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