An inspection system for pharmaceutical glass tubes

Gabriele Antonio De Vitis, Cosimo Antonio Prete and Pierfrancesco Foglia

Presentation title

An inspection system for pharmaceutical glass tubes


Gabriele Antonio De Vitis, Cosimo Antonio Prete and Pierfrancesco Foglia


University of Pisa

Presentation type

Technical presentation


The inspection systems have had over the years, and still have, a key role in checking and improving manufacturing quality. The increasing power of computing systems, favored of such systems into more and more different groups of applications.

The AIA (Automated Imaging Association), the world's largest machine vision trade group including manufacturers of vision components and systems, estimates that the world market has had in recent years growth rates in terms of system units sold, exceeding 20%.

The machine vision has some advantages compared to the human one in terms of the inspection speed, accuracy, reliability, repeatability of the observation.

The large application potential of machine vision systems can bring benefits in order to:

  • Improve the quality of products that tends asymptotically to zero defects production;
  • increase the production speed;
  • reduce the costs related to bad production;
  • improve employees working conditions.

We present the design and development of a vision system for the quality control of pharmaceutical glass tubes and describe the solutions developed to solve the issues caused by tubes rotation and vibration, obtaining a 360 degrees inspection.

Additional material

  • Presentation slides: [pdf]

  • Warning: Undefined variable $ADDITIONAL_MATERIAL in /var/www/html/iwes/2017/presentations.phtml on line 79